Monday, June 25, 2012 - Pilsen archives guide

This information is out-of-date. Check new blog post about Pilsen archives system.

I have noticed that some people are having problems accessing Pilsen archival records published on website. The reason is simple - search is totally different from the other two archives on ActaPublica (Brno and Prague). Therefor I created this short guide to Pilsen archives.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tips for reading in parish books

I have gathered some tips how to handle the reading in old parish books. It's not easy - the writing is totally different from our writing, we are not used to it. That's why we need quite much of practice to handle it. Here are some tips how to handle it faster.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Death and burial in Czech past

Two out of three most important events of human life were already described - birth (and baptism) and marriage. It left the third one, death and burial. So - what we know about it? What can be read from the registries? And how our ancestors saw death and burial?