Friday, September 30, 2011

How to search in Czech cadastral register

Czech cadastral register (register of houses and plots) is available online. It's very useful when you want to find out who's owning the house today, what's the plot number of the plot where the house is standing and so on. Unfortunately the website is available only in Czech, so I've decided to prepare a short guide to it.


As you are often doing research in places you have never been to, it's quite important to have good maps to search for the proper towns, villages and other locations. There are many maps and other websites which can help you in your research and which can provide you better idea where your ancestors lived.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Theme for every week: Home Sweet Home

Our first Theme for every week is Home Sweet Home. It could mean any home - home in old country, home in new country, place you once visited and felt home in and so on. As Cheryl with her question about Jindřichov was the first one who send me an e-mail I've decided to tell you her story this week. 

The newest registries in archives, part I

This post is focused on the youngest registries which are available in the archives. The timespan of these registries can be set from 1840 to 1910, in some cases 1930. Parish records contain the largest amount of information during this period and the structure of the records is quite strictly set.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How I found my great-great grandfather

This post is going to be a bit personal - that bit how personal can be a post about one's great-great grandfather. His name was Josef Čudlý (link goes to the MyHeritage website with our family tree, directly to the personal file of Josef Čudlý) and he was born in 1838 in Šach, really small village in southern Bohemia.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Czech Archives dictionary

Not all archives have website translated into English. I've prepared a dictionary of words used on the websites so it's easier for you to search for the village, parish, record and so on. Please be aware that this dictionary is only for the archival websites, not registries and records themselves. The dictionary has two parts - dictionary itself and list of abbreviations used in archives and this blog (both Czech and English).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Czech Registries - basics

This blog post was already moved to Patreon:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Monday, September 19, 2011

Czech first names

You can find this post on my Patreon website:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Language of Czech registries

This blog post was already moved to Patreon:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Theme for every week...

I have decided to invite you to participate in this blog. Every week I'll publish one post, which is written by you or based on your own research. Is there anything you can't read - and it fits to one of the themes this post? Do you need something translated? Do you need an advice? Or do you want to share your story with others?

Czech Registries - history

The most important source of knowledge for family history researchers are definitely registries, also called parish books, in Czech matriky. This word comes from Latin matricula, which means list of priests

Czech Republic and its territory

You can find this post on my Patreon website:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Which parish (and archives) to search?

This blog post was already moved to Patreon:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Religion - was it really important?

You can find this post on my Patreon website:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

Czech Archives overview

You can find this post on my Patreon website:

I'll be happy if you decide to become my Patron on Patreon. You'll get access to tens of Patrons only blog posts with interesting information about Czech genealogy and history - and if you become a Sponsor or a Benefactor, you'll get one parish record professionally read every month. Benefactors also get a research help when they hit a brickwall. See more on

CzGfB - ok, but why?

Answer to this question is quite simple - there are many people from all around the world who have their root in Bohemia, Moravia and Austrian part of Silesia. Many people left the area of what is today know as the Czech Republic. They left mostly during the 19th century, but there were also people who decided to leave after the WWII.