Friday, April 25, 2014

Marriage notes - part II, Czech notes

As I promised before, I prepared a blog post about marriage notes in Czech language which you can find in the marriage registries. Notes mentioned in this article were taken from the marriage book in Horní Záhoří parish, one of my most favorite parishes. Believe me - there is much interesting information included in these notes, so they are worth reading. 

Example: Marriage notes from Horní Záhoří parish in southern Bohemia

Transcription of the notes:
  • Stáří ženicha dle křest. l. z far. úř. v Chrašticích 5/7 1908 č. 1
  • Stáří nevěsty dle zdejší kn. nar. č. VI. str. 258.
  • Povolení k sňatku od velitelství čs. p. pl. č. 34 v Opavě ze dne 9. února 1921 čís. bez čísla. 
  • Dispenz od dvou prohlášek od vikar. úřadu ve Štěkni ze dne 16./4. 1921 čís. 190.
  • Dispens od dvou proh. od okres. hejtman. v Písku ze dne 11./4.1921. čís. 20530. 
  • Dispens od dvou proh. od purkmistrovského úřadu v Opavě ze dne 16./4. 1921 čís. 279-E
  • Prohlašní list od čs. vojenské duchovní správy v Opavě ze dne 17./4.1921. čís. 755. 
  • Prohlášeni byli dne 17./4. 1921 neděle III. po Velikonoci. 
  • Ne Temere vyhověno
  • Fasc. 13 6/1921

Translation of the notes:
  • Age of groom according to the baptism certificate from the parish office in Chraštice form 5th July 1908, no. 1.
  • Age of bride according to local birth registry no. VI, page 258. 
  • Marriage license from the headquarters of the Czechoslovak field regiment no. 34 in Opava from 9th February 1921, number: not numbered.
  • Dispensation from two marriage bans from the vicarage in Štěken from 16th April 1921, no. 190. 
  • Dispensation from two marriage bans from district office in Písek from 11th April 1921, no. 20530. 
  • Dispensation from two marriage bans from mayor's office in Opava from 16th April 1921, no. 279-E. 
  • Dispensation confirmation from the Czechoslovak military church administration in Opava from 17th April 1921, no. 755. 
  • The marriage bans took place on 17th April 1921, ie. 3rd Sunday after Easter. 
  • Ne Temere certificate issued. 
  • Parish archive volume 13, no. 6/1921.
So, quite many notes, right? We already had some similar to them in German version of the marriage note, but let's take a look on those which are mentioned here. 

Age of groom and bride
First two notes are focused on the age of bethroted. Groom was born in another parish so he had to bring birth certificate to prove who he was and that he was old enough to marry. Birth certificates were issued ad hoc, people didn't receive them automatically when they were born. If they needed them (because of marriage, military service, some other reason) they just asked for on in the parish where they were born. 

Bride was born in the parish where she married so her age was easily confirmed by local parish book. The advantage is clear - when you combine information about age and parish book, you directly know in which registry you should search for bride's birth record. 

Marriage license from the military headquarters
This tells us that the groom was in active military service. We find out where he served - in the 34th field regiment of Czechoslovak army located in Opava. Quite far away from Horní Záhoří where the marriage took place. But his parents were living in Vrcovice, small village located in Horní Záhoří parish. 

Every soldier needed a marriage license. These licenses originally (during the Hapsburg monarchy) ensured that the soldier is able to feed the family (not all ranks were able to do so as they had little money). Later it became a form of securing the military positions - not all soldiers were allowed to marry as it would distract them from the service. 

Dispensations from marriage bans
There are three of them, because every kind of administration had to agree. One dispensation is from the vicarage office where the groom and bride belonged, another from the official Czechoslovak administration, third from the military church administration where groom was obliged to serve.

Marriage bans
There were usually triple marriage bans held to ensure that the bethroted are allowed to marry (people had possibility to come to the parish office and say why they think the couple should not marry - there were clearly stated reasons such as close blood relationship etc.). It was possible to ask for single marriage ban in case the marriage was in a hurry - such as if the bride was pregnant. 

There was only one term of the marriage bans in this case - during the public mass on third Sunday after Easter. Church dating is used as well as "normal" date shown - 17th April 1921. 

Ne Temere certificate
Ne Temere means "do not foget" in Latin. It was a short note about the fact that the marriage took place which was sent to proper offices - parish where the groom was born (and the vicar there probably wrote a short note to the birth record about the marriage).

Last, but not least: Parish archive
Documents which were brought to marriage were stored in the parish archives. These archives are today located in district or bishop archives where are partially available to public. So if you are lucky you can get a copy of documents which your ancestors brought to marriage. Interesting, isn't it? :)

1 comment:

  1. Mary Sramek LevesqueMay 6, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    I learned something from this that I had wondered about. I had heard that the military were not permitted to marry until about age 40. That's why you see a child legitimized after the father got out of the army and married the mother. But my husband's great grandfather was in the army and married at the normal age. Your article explained that if they had a certain rank, they could afford to support a family, so that is what I assume happened. Thank you.
