Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Maps of Czech catholic parishes

You can find this post on my Patreon website: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87965129

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  1. What does farnosti zčásti vysídlené mean?

    1. Parishes where inhabitants were partially displaced after the 2nd World War (usually German areas).

  2. Were there any records made of who was displaced and where they were moved to?

  3. Everyone who does research in any CZ archive must own each of these maps.

  4. Blanka I love your site!!
    I'm the WikiTree Czech Roots Project Leader and I was wondering if I could email you a couple of questions about my project?

  5. I looked for an e-mail link. Am I missing it somewhere? I sent you a friend request on Facebook. Would that be better?

  6. I found a town named Hluboky and am wondering if my Hluboky ancestors might have come from that area. Are there any books written about Hluboky that I might purchase?

  7. Blanka,
    Thank you for your blog! I have been taking a deep dive into Czech records and I get back to a certain time and I can't my ancestors but I have figured out ways to find them in another parish. I thought I really need a parish map for Bohemia and when I googled that, here they are!!! Thank you so much for providing these maps. This may make things a lot easier.
